By every tabernacle in the world, a flame is kept burning continuously in honor of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Called the Sanctuary Lamp (which is fueled by wax or oil), this light flickers day and night before the Eucharistic Lord calling us to prayer and reminding us, in the words of the patriarch Jacob, that "surely the Lord is in this place." (Genesis 28:16)
It is a pious tradition for the faithful to sponsor the replenishing of the sanctuary lamp, which in our parish happens at each of our tabernacles on a weekly basis. This is usually done so for an intention - in honor of/in memory of a loved one, in gratitude for prayers answered, etc. - and we publish this intention in our weekly bulletin. Our priests and people remember these intentions throughout the week in their prayer for the Blessed Sacrament.
If you would like to sponsor one of the sanctuary lamps in our parish, fill out the form below or call our parish office at 207-827-4000.